Seven Chances

In this episode of Digging Star Wars returning guest Phil Congleton and host Chris Mich discuss the 1925 Buster Keaton six-reeler Seven Chances and its influences on George Lucas and Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace. Also, we touch upon films: Star Wars: Episode VI – Return of the Jedi, Terrible Tues., The Bachelor, Ethnic Notions, The General and more. Most importantly, we finally explain just what the heck Lucas was trying to achieve with Jar Jar Binks.
Also in this episode: the music of Colorado-based DJ now known as JDubious. Listen to more of his music on  SoundCloud.
Thanks to Phil Congleton, JDubious, and Josh Taback for the new Season 3 logo (yup, that’s me in Star Wars gear!).

Once you’ve listened to this DSW episode, head over to YouTube to start watching Seven Chances. Or check out how I inadvertently ripped off Mr. Keaton in my short film, Terrible Tues.



  1. I just posted this blog entry, but I've already recieved an email from a listener in Argentina. A nice read...

    "daniel del grande" writes...

    Hi, I really enjoy the show. It is refreshing listening serious analysis on star wars and not the usual dumb-boy that complains about everything. It is a shame you are not getting a lot of views, but it seems that the so called star wars fans are more interested in bitching about it than enjoy the films. Anything making fun of star wars get a million hits, but when someone make something positive and constructive nobody pay attention. I am in the same situation since I am making my own sci-fi web series, but given that is original IP and not a parody of some highly marketed game or movie, is not getting a lot of attention for now. I hope you keep doing the show even if it is not watched by many for the moment.
    There is a guy who makes deep analysis on films just like you and I think you´ll like it. His name is rob ager and is into kubrik’s films, but his reviews are more visual and approach the hidden symbolism. Maybe you can start making other videos like those but with star wars, using footage in order to illustrate. I think it would be great.
    Anyway, I am with you on jar-jar, I mean, I find it annoying but is not a blasphemy to the star wars universe. The problem with him is simpler than everybody thinks, and its the fans. Jar-Jar is a character created for kids, just like R2 and C3PO in the original trilogy, the reason why most of the fans find Jar-Jar annoying is because they are adults now, but they were kids when they first met R2 and C3PO. little kids in the present like Jar-Jar, and adults in the past use to think R2 and C3PO were anoying and created for the kids. The story repeats itself, the problem is the fans that they don´t even think what they say and end up developing a crazy hate. It is not a bad character, it is just not a character for kids, and it clash with the star wars universe in the same way R2 and C3PO did in the original trilogy, the fans do not see this because they were kids and they are blinded by nostalgia. It is simple than everybody thinks.
    Well, that was all. I love your analysis and I hope you go even deeper. Good job and good luck.
    PS: sorry about the grammar but I am from Argentina and I understand more english than I speak.
    You can watch my web series at


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