Jurassic Park 3D

In this episode, father and son discuss the connections between Steven Spielberg's Jurassic Park 3D and George Lucas' Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace 3D. Also in this short episode: music by Peter Fey and a custom, handdrawn Digging Star Wars logo by Peter Mich!


  1. Good job, Peter. Makes me want to go and see Jurassic Park again...I hope I get the chance.

  2. Thanks, PBF! I agree - Peter did a great job!

    We also got some great feedback on Facebook, here's what we got so far....

    Previous DSW guest Joshua Taback wrote: "Great hearing you guys together. I want more!"

    Christian Ramirez-Coll, Director of Photographer on "Sadie" (a film webseries on YouTube),wrote: "Dug me Some Starrrrrr Wars - Said the Pirat Tyrannosaurus Rex."

    We also got a few FB "LIKES" and Twitter "FAVORITED". Thanks to all!

  3. Hey, this is Bryan Young. I cover this beat on the official Star Wars website and saw the link you dropped... You should drop me an email... Just google me and you'll get it easy. I can't seem to find yours.


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